Founded by award-winning researchers from MIT, our team brings together expertise in tower design, manufacturing execution, and technology development to rewrite the book on how towers are designed and built.

Founded by award-winning researchers from MIT, our team brings together expertise in tower design, manufacturing execution, and technology development to rewrite the book on how towers are designed and built.


Founded by award-winning researchers from MIT, our team brings together expertise in tower design, manufacturing execution, and technology development to rewrite the book on how towers are designed and built.


 Our Commitment


To drive down the cost of wind energy by developing the advanced tower design and manufacturing technology needed to reach stronger winds at lower costs.


Backed by over a decade of development, our patented technology delivers the most advanced towers on the market. Designed in close collaboration with the world’s leading turbine OEMs, our towers are fully certified for use in commercial projects. With our automated manufacturing process,  we produce towers faster and to a higher quality standard than was previously possible.



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